
Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall Color III

A Crepe Myrtle--the purple flowers seen here have given way to berries...

The Portulacas bloomed in the sun and closed up at night. With recent frosts, they're done for the year. (They are annuals, but sometimes they will re-seed for next year below where the pot was hanging.):

Fall Color II

A Cotoneaster--it had little white flowers in the spring, now it sports red berries for wildlife:

Fall Color

Even after the summer blooms fade, and before the leaves turn brilliant, fall flowers and berries keep interest in the garden!

Here's a Rose of Sharon:

A later picture of the same Rose of Sharon, as the flowers open further, the color is more pronounced:

Fall Planting

They say Fall is the best time to plant. The recent rains (anybody else building an ark?) have sure made it easy to dig a good-sized hole!

Plus, the perennials are on sale...

I also got some little shrubs transplanted from the Summer nursery to their permanent homes. Two forsythia and two smoke bushes. One smoke bush replaced my small hawthorne--after being mowed over then getting quince rust, there wasn't much left to save. (Pix to come later.)

Sedum Update

The Sedums have been progressing through the fall... From pink to darker pink to crimson. They're almost brown now.