
Thursday, April 19, 2007

But the Tulips Look Good...

The tulips along the shed are just coming into their own. While a lot of the plants and trees are looking pretty beat up after all the cold weather, tulips don't seem to mind. Even the maples are looking a little rough. Hopefully everything will bounce back once the frost date passes.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Who Doesn't Love Forsythia?

Bright color in the early spring, followed by great green foliage all summer, and then yellow leaves in the fall.

This is the middle (and biggest) of the five I've planted so far. Plenty of room for more, too!

Before the Spring Frost

Early April lulled us into thinking winter was totally past and global warming had set in. But, while Palm Sunday was summery, Easter was wintry. My crazy leaning apple tree still actually looks good, though these pictures were taken before the temperatures dropped.

Some people don't like grape hyacinths, as they spread wherever they please. I think they're great! Free flowers--how can I complain?
The redbud's flowers haven't fared as well in the freezing temperatures, but it sure looked beautiful before the frost...

Orange Tulips

I think the orange tulips are my favorites. Maybe it's their most vibrant color. Tulips seem to be handling the overly-long spring cold snap best of all. In fact, the outdoor tulips are lasting much longer than those forced bulbs used to decorate the indoors.

The picture above is from a couple weeks ago. Those below are from today, accented by the sun on its way down. The last to bloom are along the shed, but they were in the shade, so their close up will have to wait!