
Monday, March 12, 2012

More Blooming

'Tis the season for new buds and flowers every day. Lots more daffodils enjoying the break in the rain. Even the forsythia is starting to flower! 70-ish is predicted most of the week, including St. Patrick's Day.

 Primrose in the herb garden...

Sedum -- one of many throughout the yard. The leaves have blown away from this one.

Meanwhile, still cleaning up from the winter winds...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nature's Resilience

Last fall, I had to dig up my herb garden and put all the plants into a temporary set up while I had some drainage work done around the back of the house. This little rose was in that garden. I didn't hold much hope for its survival, but here it is, greening back up for spring!

Unfortunately, the big, beautiful cotoneaster in the back didn't make it. It was one of the first plants I put in when I moved here almost 8 years ago. Late last summer, it just died. The barberries around it are fine, they're greening up again. Really sad, it had provided a shelter for rabbits and the neighbor's cat (not at the same time, of course!). Yesterday, I cut it down. Maybe some more barberries for that spot....

Meanwhile, crocuses continue to welcome spring all over the yard...

Crocus thyme ;)
Planting the peas a bit earlier this year. I'm told St. Patrick's Day is the guide--that's next weekend. I planted three kinds: Goliath (4.5" stringless pods--68 days to harvest), Burpeeana Early (3" pods filled with 8-10 sweet, tender peas--63 days to harvest), and Super Snappy (5-6" pods with 8-10 large peas--63 days). Yum!

Primrose in the re-set herb garden.

 The daffodils are just getting started. Thursday's rain bent them over a bit, but they're straightening back up.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Who Doesn't Love Crocuses?

Spring has sprung. These pictures are from Thursday, March 1, a warm sunny day.

Crocuses and snowdrops are blooming all over, pussy willow is covered with puffs, daffodils and forsythia soon to follow, tornadoes hit nearby on Friday, heavy rains and wind here, branches down all over, feeders full of birds. Spring in southwestern Ohio. Will tomorrow bring snow or t-shirt weather? The meteorologists will give you plenty of explanation (on and on and on), then probably get the forecast wrong in the end. Stay alert, put a new battery in the weather radio, and dress in layers ;)

Meanwhile, get out and enjoy nature's beauty. And plant some peas. And listen to some spring training baseball. Go Reds!