
Monday, July 28, 2008

The Mission continues...

Okay, so the latest smelly deer repellent is keeping away the birds, too. Who says birds have no sense of smell? Even if that myth weren't being proved wrong by various scientists like those at Cornell's ornithology department, it seems pretty clear here. They refused to come near my feeders when I hung Irish Spring soap on the pole, ditto for the fancy who-knows-what deer (and moose! and elk!) repellent. They don't seem to mind the Deer Scram, but that is sprinkled on the ground. While it is keeping the deer out of most of my plants, it is not keeping her away from the bird feeders hanging from the shepherd's hooks. The guy at Wild Birds Unlimited suggested 3' high trip wires--I'm sure that would work, but I'm equally sure that the guys who cut the grass would not be amused. Argh.

At least I don't have bears getting into the feeder--somebody sent me these pix in an email yet to be debunked by Snopes, although quite the center of debate if you do a search (but with that heavy rope, the squirrels would certainly be getting whatever the bear might leave behind).

I'm annoyed enough by the deer. No matter how pretty she is!

Friday, July 25, 2008


When the deer isn't slurping all the seed out of my feeders (see June 11), the birds pile on. The ones that won't fit on the feeders wait in the weeping willow.

The deer scram isn't working to keep the deer out of the bird feeders. Fencing would make it tough for the birds. Maybe a taller pole... I'm on a mission now, a la Bill Murray, a mission to keep the deer out...

Check out this video. It's not my yard, but it's the same action.

Friday, July 18, 2008

View from the Back

I do enjoy walking through the yard, checking out what I have succeeded in locating there (as opposed to the numerous unsuccessful choices) as well as what nature has added to the mix (except, of course, for the dandelions and nettles--I'm sure I should appreciate them, but I'm not there yet). These have all rebounded following my local deer's nibbling when I first planted them.

One of my favorite views is right out the back door. The weeping willow is one of the first trees I purchased for the yard. I've always loved them. I got this one from the Arbor Day Foundation, nurtured it the first year in a pot, then planted it in the bird bath area. Last fall, the deer used it for rutting. I'll be putting up a barrier in late August to protect it this year. (I hardly ever notice the house beyond when I look at my tree. Of course, it glares in the photo. Just ignore it--easier in the second picture!)

Lately I have also been appreciating the birds (and trying to remember to rinse and refill the bird bath every day in the hot weather). I've only had the feeders in for a few months, but the regulars can get pretty cranky if I sleep in on Saturday and don't fill them at the regular time. Even when I do my best to take care of them, they refuse to sit still for pictures...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Gayfeather Party

The gayfeather is in bloom, and the bees and butterflies are loving it!

If I could just get them to hold still and face the camera...

Future Tomato Thief

As if the mama weren't bad enough, she's bringing baby along to learn the garden path! Sitting right up against the outside of my fence. I tried to get a bit closer to take a better picture, but the fawn took off. I was wandering around for quite a while before I saw it, but the fawn didn't take off until I started paying attention to it. Cute as could be. Sigh.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Indoor Time

I had to take a day out of the garden to work on this :)

Of course, it looks tiny in the picture, but the bottom layers are 14" in diameter. I felt like one of those challengers on the Food Network when I moved it. Made it to the party in one piece though--whew!