
Monday, July 28, 2008

The Mission continues...

Okay, so the latest smelly deer repellent is keeping away the birds, too. Who says birds have no sense of smell? Even if that myth weren't being proved wrong by various scientists like those at Cornell's ornithology department, it seems pretty clear here. They refused to come near my feeders when I hung Irish Spring soap on the pole, ditto for the fancy who-knows-what deer (and moose! and elk!) repellent. They don't seem to mind the Deer Scram, but that is sprinkled on the ground. While it is keeping the deer out of most of my plants, it is not keeping her away from the bird feeders hanging from the shepherd's hooks. The guy at Wild Birds Unlimited suggested 3' high trip wires--I'm sure that would work, but I'm equally sure that the guys who cut the grass would not be amused. Argh.

At least I don't have bears getting into the feeder--somebody sent me these pix in an email yet to be debunked by Snopes, although quite the center of debate if you do a search (but with that heavy rope, the squirrels would certainly be getting whatever the bear might leave behind).

I'm annoyed enough by the deer. No matter how pretty she is!

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