
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Trite, I know, but I've been a wee bit out of practice lately, so please cut me some slack :) Blame it on the weather, Christmas, an injured rotator cuff, or just a simple lack of inspiration.

Today, I am snowed in. Actually, they just lifted the snow emergency prohibition on driving, so I could leave, if I could get out of my driveway. Hopefully the guys will be here to plow soon, so I can get to work tomorrow.

Did I mention the whole winter wonderland thing? I do love snow, and we don't see that much of it here, so today is fun. It was the early layer of ice followed by five inches of snow that closed the roads. While the ice is certainly beautiful, I don't want anything to do with driving in it. But, it does give a good excuse for some picture-taking.

Unfortunately, I neglected to take the bird feeders in last night, so they are now frozen with a half-inch of ice to the pole, not to mention that the openings are frozen over so the poor birdies can't get to the seeds. They have adapted pretty quickly to trays of seed on or near the ground and an extra feeder leaning on a frozen one, though.

I would add to the winter cliches with a comment about the quiet, except that psycho mutt, my rear neighbor's obnoxious little dog, was out and about to bark at me the ENTIRE TIME I was outside. As usual. I guess the owners don't want to listen to her either.

The rain chain has turned into a cool rock-candy looking thing. I hope these pictures do it justice. Like I said, beautiful, so long as you don't have to hit the road. Like the poor police officer who got his patrol car stuck in my neighbor's driveway. (That was just as the Level 3 emergency was being declared.) It only took four shovel-wielding men and a city snow plow to get the car out. I would have gotten a picture of that, but I didn't think they would appreciate it!