
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 29

Crazy winter around here.... We've had one snow to speak of so far--and that's one more than last year--and alternating periods of spring-like weather (thunderstorms and all) and bitter cold. This week started with spring--50s and 60s--with snow predicted tonight and into tomorrow. The weather radio woke me up overnight to warn me of the impending wind and rain. Always fun.

Can't get too bent out of shape about it, just gotta roll with it. No matter what you think about climate change, on a season-by-season basis in the garden, you just have to adapt as well as you can.

Yesterday, I took these pictures of things sprouting in the yard and gardens. A blooming crocus, daffodils and hyacinths poking up, primrose and strawberry leaves, and a dandelion (my neighborhood appears to farm them, and I have no desire to buck the trend). Last year, the first crocus bloomed on February 19th. Eek. I hope they like the snow!

Meanwhile, I am planning the veggie garden. Peas get planted around March 10, weather permitting. Last year this worked out well. I am going to try some radishes around then, too. More to come...I"m having fun leafing through the seed catalogs that are arriving daily now :)