
Wednesday, August 06, 2014

The Deer Visit, Etc.

I know the deer visit often, but usually because I see the results of their foraging. But, here she is in broad daylight.

Nibbling on the morning glories by the composter. 

Oh wait, something else to graze and destroy...

Ugh, scratchy fencing.

perhaps an apple...
just one?

uh oh

off to check out the neighbors' trees and gardens

rose of sharon

rose of sharon in pink
rose of sharon in white
rose of sharon

On a much less destructive path, bees are all over. Mostly bumblebees, but a few honeybees, too. They are really pretty nice to have around. Unlike flies and such that insist on buzzing around your face and biting your legs, the bees just get on about their work unless you get in their way.

bumblebee on cosmos

butterfly bush reemerging from the stump!

cleome, zinnias, and cosmos

cleome in the vegetable garden -- they re-seed themselves prolifically

cosmos and cranesbills

the hummingbird garden

hydrangea -- the lone blossom for now...

oak leaf hydrangea

bee in the rose of sharon

bee visiting sunflower

yellow squash -- currently under attack from squash bugs :(

giant zucchini and mixed beans

Peaceful Day in the Garden

Weeding is a constant, but sometimes you just have to step back and appreciate God's handiwork. The flowers are blooming all over, some already going to seed. Most vegetable plants are doing well, too. With it finally feeling more like summer, tomatoes are getting red. And the new plantings of radishes, lettuce, and beets have sprouted with the promise of veggies for the fall! Now if I can just remember to thin them in time...

redwood, fountain grass, and wild flowers
Even the gnome gets it.

black-eyed Susans

herbs in flower...
...welcome bees

hummingbird just buzzed the feeder -- now waiting in the tree for the big birds to leave
woodpecker getting fat on sugar water

crepe myrtle making its way back from the polar vortex

crepe myrtle - much shorter than last year

giant cleome
giant cleome towering over the 4' fence
rose of sharon

rose of sharon
gold finch munching on fresh sunflower seeds

knocks outs are back! (still some deadwood to be cut)
mystery lilies aka naked ladies
it's a mystery how they got there

hosta flower

hosta bud

spaghetti squash

fall crops -- radishes, lettuce, beets
mint -- mojito anyone?
the neighbors kindly shared their harvest :)
BLT salad with blue cheese dressing (tomato from my garden)

visiting kitty resting peacefully