
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Planning for the Vegetable Garden

Sitting around with a miserable cold, looking at seed catalogs, the Farmer's Almanac, and gardening books and magazines, and hoping this summer's weather is a bit more conducive to a successful harvest than the last couple of years. Below are the tentative layouts for this year's gardens. Trying a few new things--broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts. And I am determined to get some watermelons to harvest size this year. I am going to give them some more space and baby them along a bit more. Fingers crossed!

And, above all, I solemnly promise to thin the plants more this year. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Groundhog Says Early Spring

Back on February 2nd, Punxsutawny Phil said to expect an early spring. I'm not sure why we listen to a rodent from Pennsylvania for our weather information, but I suppose it's as good as the local weathercasters. Meanwhile, bouncing back and forth between 50-ish and 20-ish temperatures, buds are starting to pop. Crocuses are blooming today...