
Friday, March 23, 2007

Cold, Warm, Cold, Warm...Spring!

Spring has sprung and the bulbs are blooming! They did get a bit of a head start on the vernal equinox, but the rush is really starting now. And yes, it's true what they say about Ohio--you know you're in Ohio when you've gone from heat to AC and back to heat again in the same day. Of course, when the tree pollen allergies start (last week) AC and antihistamines are your best friends... That way, you can still get out and enjoy the flowers.

While the crocuses are at their peak, the daffodils are on their way, the hyacinths are budding and the tulips are still just leaves. I don't know what color this hyacinth will be, but I'm sure it will be beautiful and fragrant!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Signs of Spring!

Today we almost hit 70 degrees! While I can't complain about the long, cold winter, since it really was neither, it is good to see the bulbs starting to sprout. Yellow crocus above, either tulips or daffodils below.

Next it's time for the spring clean-up to get ready for more planting...