
Monday, August 23, 2010

Who Says Crepe Myrtle Don't Do Well in Zone 6?

I know my yard is not "normal" -- you never know what will do well here that isn't supposed to and vice versa. And almost everything blooms two weeks after everybody else's on the street. But, I am really happy with how well these crepe myrtles are doing here!

I also have rosemary on the west side of the house that over-wintered just fine and looks very healthy this year. I guess the micro-climate is okay. Of course, both areas have a nice covering of oak leaves through the winter to help protect them from the coldest weather. (Gotta love the oaks that wait to drop their leaves until AFTER the City stops leaf collection.)

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Garden Lights

I confess. I am a sucker for solar garden lights. I mean really, how could you resist these cool pink and green outer-space-looking things to go with my swirled gazing ball? I did restrain myself from getting a blue one...