
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunshine to Enjoy the Spring Blooms

Finally, a warming trend and a bit of sun! My yard is so wet, you can HEAR the water flowing into the ground and down the gentle slope of the backyard. Kind of an eerie sound. Meanwhile, the spring flowers are progressing. Crocuses are fading and daffodils and hyacinths are taking center stage. The tulips are just leaves so far. I love this time of year, allergies notwithstanding!

Note the cage around the forsythia -- trying to protect it from the lovely-but-destructive-deer. One for each little shrub that got eaten down to the ground last year. My efforts to screen out the neighbor's propane tank were set back quite a bit. I'm hoping the cages will give them enough protection to get established... I put them around my new berry bushes, too. Gardener's Supply loves me!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Food Revolution

Wow! Scary stuff. And so sad! How can so many not know what their food looks like before we process the heck out of it? Check out Jaime Oliver's show and sign the petition

Monday, March 22, 2010

Daffodils are on the way!

Maybe with a little sun, or even without. Spring is at that point where suddenly there is one flower or bud after another popping out all over the place. Even the late-planted bulbs in the pots by the garage are starting to poke through.

The weeping pussy willow is blooming (I guess that's "blooming"?), daffodils and hyacinths are close. One mini daffodil is open completely.

The rain is knocking everything over a bit, but not too bad.

Added a couple of additional columbines. The older ones are starting to come up, too. They seem to do well in that spot, so I'm running with it. No point in planting stuff that doesn't survive over and over (definition of insanity, eh?), but I really like these besides.

Yea, spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HAPPY St. Patrick's Day!

A beautiful sunny day (on the heels of a very dark walk to the 7 a.m. club at the Cock & Bull). Sunshine, crocuses, columbine, tulips, and rhubarb.

The existing rhubarb is poking through, plus I planted the three additional plants that came in yesterday's mail. The ground is still pretty damp, but didn't seem too bad. Also moved one of the existing plants to give them a bit more breathing room. Hopefully I'll get a good harvest this year. Lots of worms in the rhubarb bed, too, another good sign.

Did some cleanup in the beds, too. Cut back the dead stuff from the peonies and sedum, then started on the fountain grass, but ran out of steam!

This last picture is a tulip piercing through the detritus. Nature never ceases to amaze ;)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Garden Planning

Okay, I know it is way too early, but I'm just buying the seeds, not planting them!

Monday, March 08, 2010

First Crocus!


That was yesterday. Two more yellow ones and a purple one are just opening today. I do love snow, but I am definitely ready for these friendly little flowers at this point.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Thyme for Spring!

Okay that's a groaner, but the thyme is visible now where the snow has melted. And some bulbs are starting to peek out. Supposed to hit 50 degrees today. It is very wet out, so I can't do much in the yard. Maybe a little cleanup here and there. Or maybe I'll just see whether the park trails are clear...

Last, but not least, a sweet little snowdrop peeking through the snow!