
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunshine to Enjoy the Spring Blooms

Finally, a warming trend and a bit of sun! My yard is so wet, you can HEAR the water flowing into the ground and down the gentle slope of the backyard. Kind of an eerie sound. Meanwhile, the spring flowers are progressing. Crocuses are fading and daffodils and hyacinths are taking center stage. The tulips are just leaves so far. I love this time of year, allergies notwithstanding!

Note the cage around the forsythia -- trying to protect it from the lovely-but-destructive-deer. One for each little shrub that got eaten down to the ground last year. My efforts to screen out the neighbor's propane tank were set back quite a bit. I'm hoping the cages will give them enough protection to get established... I put them around my new berry bushes, too. Gardener's Supply loves me!

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