
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Rhubarb Compendium

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: The Internet is an amazing place. Off I went searching for info on how and when to put my rhubarb patch to bed for the winter, and I found it--The Rhubarb Compendium! Everything you ever wanted to know about rhubarb and so much more. Gotta love the 21st Century.

Oh, and the answer is, once we've had a hard frost, I get to go remove the stalks and cover with compost. With any luck, I'll get to harvest a little next spring!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Drought Resistant

Okay, so I've spent far too much of my summer evening time watering these and other plants in my acre, but these are some of the most resilient plants in my yard. The rose of sharon lost a lot of leaves right after I planted it, but it has bounced back well and has produced a steady stream of flowers all along. The hydrangea wilts easily, but comes back just as quickly. And it has lived up to its name "endless summer."

I won't post any pictures of the plants that didn't fare as well--it's just too sad, but, I think the apple trees at the rear property line are done for, my painted fern is barely there, the cleomes have fizzled, the astillbes are hanging by a thread, and the bleeding hearts that were so beautiful this spring went totally beige and disappeared over the last several weeks. Sigh.

Bees Love Sedum

They didn't even pay any attention to me!