
Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I think this is who has been stealing my tomatoes by the branch! Below, you can see her on the outside of the fence, innocently munching on a weed. Look through the hanging farm, where you can see the Christmas lights I put up yesterday to ward off deer--too late, of course. She's to the left of the leftmost shepherd's hook.

Next, she's in my yard. She spent some time there, then hopped the next fence into the neighbor's. But, their dogs spooked her and she came back for a while. Just watching me.
I guess five tomatoes isn't too bad a price!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spider's Progress

Where has the last week gone? Lots going on with friends visiting from out of town and, of course, the new Harry Potter book (just finished--what a wild ride!). But, the garden continues. This is still the furthest along of my cleome plants, although there are several more sprouting. Yea!

Garden quote of the day:

It is good to be alone in the garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought.
from James Douglas in Down Shoe Lane

So true! I've gotten to spend a lot of time in the garden at dawn and dusk this summer thanks to the ongoing drought. When the neighbor's psycho terrier isn't barking her head off at me, it is a wonderful time to feel at peace.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Yea! I didn't give up on this odd-looking little plant. As it turns out, it was from seed I planted, not a weed. I planted the cleome seeds ages ago and had pretty much given up on them. I almost pulled this (and a handful of younger mates), but thought I'd wait for the flower to be sure. This morning, it finally is giving hint of its true essence. At least, enough for me to finally recognize it!

My grandmother always had these in her garden -- with any luck it will re-seed itself here as I think it did for her. I have had a heck of a time finding them to add to my garden. Last year I found a plant in flower for about $20, so I was happy to find seed this year for considerably less!

We always called these spider plants, and as the flower matures, it will become obvious why. You'll see. If you don't believe and can't wait, check out some pix from Redbud Farms.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Back from the Freezer

The late cold snap after a pretty mild winter hit several of my plants hard. My smoke bush and weigela never did recover. I had almost given up on the crepe myrtle, but suddenly, it's on the mend. The russian sage has been slow to recover, too, but it looks like it will make it.

Weed or Seed?

Garden quote of the day: "A weed is a plant that is not only in the wrong place, but intends to stay." --Sara Stein.

I planted seeds in this area, but I don't recognize whatever this is. I'm hoping when it flowers I'll figure it out!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Tomato Time, Almost!

The Sweet 100's are starting to turn red. I did sneak the ripest one tonight (you can just make it out just right of center). Nothing is more delicious than a tomato fresh from the garden!

Lilies on Parade

The day lilies are in their prime these days.

Filling in the old mud hole alongside the driveway is slowly but surely coming together! I know it is kind of an eclectic mishmash, but I am learning a lot about what works where. Some things may get moved--like the liriope already did.

Oh, and I'm not going to be taken in again by claims that a fall mum will come back. You'd think right up against the house where the ground is the warmest that would work. Ha.

Anyway, I kind of like the blend of groundcovers that are succeeding, and the bursts of color from the day lilies, dianthus, butterfly garden, and annual pots. Below are the bee balm in the butterfly garden and a pot full of celosia, gazanias, lupine, and alyssum.