
Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Yea! I didn't give up on this odd-looking little plant. As it turns out, it was from seed I planted, not a weed. I planted the cleome seeds ages ago and had pretty much given up on them. I almost pulled this (and a handful of younger mates), but thought I'd wait for the flower to be sure. This morning, it finally is giving hint of its true essence. At least, enough for me to finally recognize it!

My grandmother always had these in her garden -- with any luck it will re-seed itself here as I think it did for her. I have had a heck of a time finding them to add to my garden. Last year I found a plant in flower for about $20, so I was happy to find seed this year for considerably less!

We always called these spider plants, and as the flower matures, it will become obvious why. You'll see. If you don't believe and can't wait, check out some pix from Redbud Farms.

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