
Monday, November 21, 2011

Thought for the Day

I recently came across this quote from David Mamet:

"Anyone ever lost in the wild knows that Nature wants you dead."

He was speaking in reference to the idea that anything "natural" must be "good" or "better." Of course, the ongoing struggle of humankind is to protect ourselves from nature. We need shelter from the elements. From the moment we are born. Fortunately, our parents intervene!

Someone works to nurture and harvest our food, even if we don't do it ourselves. I know I couldn't live on what I am able to grow in any given year. Especially since I am also feeding "nature" in the form of squirrels, rabbits, assorted bugs, raccoons, and, of course, DEER. We need water, even during a drought. Nature doesn't drop these things on us in ideal quantities in an ideal timeline.

Then, of course, there are the direct attempts of nature to kill us. Things like hungry bears. Tornadoes. Disease-carrying mosquitos. Ice storms.

Can we go "back to nature" or is it simply out to get us? Even if we weren't trashing the environment, complete harmony would be impossible. We can't live without nature. And we can't leave no impacts. But we can do better.

Of course, Mamet personifies Nature for stylistic effect. Still, at the root of it, Nature doesn't care for us. We give to it and take from it. We cause more or less disruption and harm. We have a choice. Nature doesn't.

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