
Monday, June 03, 2013

Veggies on the Way

So far, the 2013 garden is in pretty good shape. Peas, radishes, beets, and lettuce were planted in mid-March. I've been eating the lettuce and radishes for a while. The beets sprouted and have nice greens, but, no beets. Perhaps overshadowed by the radishes. Oh well. The peas are now coming in. Had some for dinner tonight!

I will have to thin baby plants soon. I've been practicing on the morning glories, since they are trying to take over the entire yard.


Early veggies at the top of the photo, then peppers, carrots, brussels sprouts, tomatoes, broccoli rabe, and green onions. A few marigolds along the front to ward off some pests.

Closer look at the carrots, brussels sprouts, and peppers. (Left to right.)

Closer look at the broccoli rabe, onions, and tomatoes. (Left to right.)

Beans--green and yellow, cow peas, zucchini, and summer squash in the new bed. Beans in back, squashes in front.

Corn. Yes, corn, specially bred for container growing. We'll see...

Spaghetti squash, watermelons, and patty pan squash, top to bottom.

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