
Friday, May 26, 2006

Leafing Out!

As spring heads toward summer, there is much work to be done. My busy bee surveys the side of the house, contemplating the balance of weeds and desirables. If only we had more time to spend in the garden!

Meanwhile, out back, the baby trees begin to leaf out: redbuds, a maple, and a smoke tree, as well as a couple of forsythia that will be added to the east screen. You can see the peony in bud behind the tree seedlings.

The fountain grass is starting back nicely. This was lovely all through the winter, too, with its long, tall leaves floating in the breeze. I'd like to add a few plants each year until I have a long swath all along the drainage swale... For now, I've got a Russian sage to go in the line this weekend.

The ferns are happy to be back outside as the weather warms. This is the before picture. I'll show how nicely they fill out through the summer in their new, larger pots, following a long winter hanging in the basement windows.

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