
Monday, July 05, 2010

Fruits and Veggies to Be

The neighbor came to the fence today while I was weeding (and sweating in the miserable heat and humidity at 10:30 a.m.) to suggest first that I run through the sprinkler (tempting) and second I get her sons to dig me a bigger plot outside of my cold frame. I explained that keeping the garden in there keeps out the rabbits, and she agreed that made sense.

Check out the tomatoes and apples well on the way. Watermelon and zucchinis in flower. The pumpkins are in flower, too, but the flowers are hiding under the giant leaves trying to take over the side of the driveway.

Meanwhile, the rabbits and squirrels are frolicking all over the yard. I do not know where they get the energy in this heat ;)

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