
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Mystery, Indeed

I have been meaning to plant some mystery lilies (a.k.a. naked ladies) in my yard, but the only way seems to be getting some from someone else's yard (with their permission, of course!) or buying the bulbs online, and I just hadn't gotten to it. But, suddenly, after nine years in this house, I have two of them in my yard. I don't know how they got there. I've never seen them before. As this blog attests, I am pretty on top of what is happening in my yard, so I don't know how I could have missed them! Either they've been dormant all this time, they were mixed into something else I planted, or a squirrel did it--they are all over the neighborhood (squirrels and mystery lilies). Whatever, I am a happy camper!

Why are they called "mystery lilies," you may well ask. Because they put up just foliage in the spring, then the foliage dies off, then in August, they put up a stalk with the flowers on top and no leaves. So they have the nickname "naked ladies." Get it?

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