
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


It has been raining about one-quarter inch a day for the last few days. This works out quite well for me :) Some of the containers need a bit more water, but the main beds are doing just fine with the water from the Lord.

The zucchini are coming in at a rate I can almost keep up with. (I did give one away to my Mom.) Zucchini bread is on the way. And the old family recipe "zucchini mess," probably with some frozen for the winter. A few patty pan squashes, mild and delicious steamed or sauteed with a little butter or Parmesan. Tomatoes are beginning to ripen. I know all of the sudden there will be a lot (never too many), but for now I am savoring them one at a time.

Corn is coming along. Here it is amid a few pots of tomatoes and herbs.

I have learned that tassels and silk are two different things...

The squashes still have lots of flowers. There is a bee in this one, although I'm not sure if he was gathering pollen/nectar or taking a nap. No yellow summer squash have set fruit yet. They were supposed to be the first to be ready to harvest, so perhaps they missed their pollination window during the heavier rainy weather of a couple weeks ago. 

Meanwhile, the cosmos, cleomes, and zinnias are really starting to bloom en masse, nicely encouraging the bees to stop by and pollinate and the hummingbirds to feed and entertain.


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