
Friday, July 05, 2013

Flowers in the Rain

Let me be very clear: I like rain. I have always enjoyed rain. Thunderstorms or rainbows, love it. I really appreciate not having to water the garden, even beyond my appreciation of rain for its own sake. I do think that a few consecutive days of sun without rain might be in order about now. Just a few. 1.75 inches yesterday (plenty of which ended up in my basement thanks to the Melvin crew, whose company shall remain nameless, that failed to properly install my new downspout last summer). Sprinkles today, more predicted for tomorrow. Really, the tomatoes are crying for some dry. Not to mention my sneakers.

But, I promised flower photos, and flower photos I shall show!

I'll start with the coral rose that came with the house, that blooms twice a year, no matter what abuse I, the weather, and whatever workers might be hired for household maintenance do around it. I am really more of a no-effort knock out rose person, and I do not baby this rose (although I did dig it out then replant it, along with the herb garden and coral bells, when I had the drainage work done at the back of the house a couple summers ago), but I do stop to appreciate it every time it blooms. It is beautiful.

the bud

the rose - always just one bloom

Lots of flowers around the hummingbird feeder seem to be working. I do have regular visits from hummers, not a big crowd, but that's okay. Sometimes I get to watch the little guys fight. It seems kind of silly, since there are plenty of spots at the feeder, but it is what they do, and it is actually quite entertaining.

Some perennial and some annual flowers. I always plant some red salvia, even though they are not my favorite, because I know the hummingbirds love them. My butterfly bush came back this year, has grown quite a bit, and just looks great. I am very happy.

hummingbird stopping for a snack before the rain

bee balm

cleome - a nostalgic must-have

morning glory bud

the morning glories covering the pea tunnel

morning glory

day lilies

day lilies

Easter lilies

bee balm and cleome 
cosmos and volunteer dill
asiatic lily
zinnia buds
oak leaf hydrangea
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shasta daisy
hostas in bloom
happy returns lilies
oak leaf hydrangea
jasmine - smells so good I had to buy it, so glad it happily overwinters in the shed!

evening primrose - I have no idea why people complain about these spreading


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