
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Bulbs and Buds

Spring marches on here in southwestern Ohio. The usual wind and flooding rains. No one wants to hear a hint of the S-word in the forecast. We'll take the swampy yards and water-filled pot-holes, thank you very much. You northerners can keep your S this time of year.

As shrub and tree after shrub and tree produce buds, it brings a sense of not just renewal, but also relief after colder temperatures over longer periods of time than we've been used to in recent years. Still waiting for some late budders, but something new seems to be popping out each day. While the crocuses are largely done, the daffodils are in their glory -- yellow and white. Grape hyacinths are starting to pop up all over.


raspberries and strawberries

garlic chives


grape hyacinth (yes, growing in the crack between driveway sections)

oakleaf hydrangea buds


more peas!

random piece of rebar popping up for no good reason in a most inconvenient location



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