
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer on the Way

As spring rolls into summer, more and larger plants are pushing out the brave spring flowers. Today is the first official day of summer, I know, but I am a bit behind updating the blog, so for now I'll focus on the end of spring. Meanwhile, the veggies are coming along. Tomatoes are setting fruit, squashes and beans are flowering, basil and mint are bushy and fragrant. And, summer flowers are starting to bloom--zinnias, cleome, and, of course, morning glories. 

The hostas are getting bigger and making babies. 

see the little one in front?
I am racing the birds to get the early summer berries. I got most of the red currants. A few red raspberries and strawberries at a time.

There are hummingbirds visiting the feeder regularly. But this guy likes it, too. I thought he was getting bugs, but this is fresh nectar, and he stayed quite a while. Unfortunately he is much more shy than the hummers, as soon as I tried to move to a better angle, he took off. And he takes off when the hummingbirds buzz him, too. Funny to watch!

Sage flowers give bees some early food.

Queen Anne's Lace taking over. Could be worse. At least it is winning out over the creeping charlie.

One rhubarb plant survived the transplant and the polar vortex. If it does well through the summer, I'll add some more next year...

White alliums are among the last of the spring bulbs to bloom.

The yellow knock out seems to have done the best of the knock outs getting through the brutal winter.

Cranesbill seem to do pretty well here. I got a few more at the plant swap, so some variety to come...

The coral bells are doing very well after the reset winter, along with the painted fern. Sadly, the salmon rose that survived a lot of trauma doesn't appear to be coming back this year.

Garlic chives make pretty flowers!

Little purple irises.

Little purple irises with poison ivy. Sigh.

Summer wine ninebark. "Deer resistant" they say. So far, so good.

The peonies did well this year, though not for too long. Got to enjoy them while they last!

I didn't think I liked spirea, but it's growing on me.

Weigela. Love it.

Azalea in white.

 The dawn redwood putting out new growth.

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